I Just Earned My First $1 On Medium

Aniket Parihar
2 min readDec 23, 2022

And I am elated, to say the least

Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-in-eyeglasses-covering-her-face-with-paper-money-7680625/

Of course, it's not a big deal, but the mere fact that I earned $1 by doing something that I love — writing, is just beautiful. I have always been envious of people who are able to monetize their passions/interests. I did 9–6 (and I hated it, like most humans on earth do) for 10 years. But just recently took a stance for myself, gathered courage, and quit my job to pursue writing. I have been writing everyday for the last 61 days. And it brings me tremendous joy that finally, after all these years, I earned $1 by pursuing my interest.

2023, I want to focus all of my energy to do more such things. Monetizing my interest will help me play the long game with endurance. And I am looking forward to it.

My 2023 goal is to be able to earn 100$ every month starting June next year. Here’s to writing. And here’s to monetizing interests.

Let's go.



Aniket Parihar

Software product manager | Content Writer | Resume Writer. I write about health, money, and self growth. Website - https://www.aniketparihar.com